Monday, 16 March 2015

Walking in Madonna's boots

I rarely enter competitions. I have entered several writing competitions over the years and one came good for me. I did attempt to win a washing machine and long ago I enter a competition on Saturday Superstore. It was to win the boots Madonna wore in Desperately Seeking Susan. The question was the height of the Eiffel tower, and I sent the answer on a postcard. I didn't win.

As a size three, I knew those boots wouldn't fit.  I didn't need to wear them. I simply needed to have them, in the same way that millionaires need to have certain works of art. I keep my works of art in their boxes, wrapped in tissue paper. Once or twice a year I get them out and give them a clean, a dust, a polish. They are all beautiful and most are impractical.

Sexy and Vintage shoes
One pair of white and black Rococo heels that look like leather lace, have only been outside once: they were never really for wearing. Whereas my Minnie Mouse shoes purchased when I was seventeen have been to so many weddings and nights out that they are faded in their beauty. My Witches boots, purchased aged nineteen are routinely pulled out for Halloween and need their square heels replacing. At sixteen I had a pair of black ankle boots with big buckles on them; I made music when I walked. Sadly the boots fell apart, yet went on to see another day as they are now used to hold together a long black hooded cloak.

It seems I am old now and therefore my shoes are practical. This is due to the necessity of being able to walk around quickly and without falling over.

I generally consider myself a rather driven individual, with a strong work ethic and high levels of motivation. I am still re-writing the book, teaching, preparing, sewing, baking and blogging. I am keen that my blogs are in the main positive and uplifting and I have committed myself to producing one blog post a week.

I post on Tuesdays and immediately go looking for the next topic. On Wednesday it was going to be about using the old Singer Sewing machine, on Friday it was about the boys school report and then on Saturday whilst watching the Jonathan Ross show it simply absolutely had to be about Madonna.

Apart from the boots, I have never been a huge fan. I only have Like A Virgin on 7 inch and that was a gift. That’s not to say I don’t sing along to “Holiday” or show some interest in Madonna’s latest ventures, appearances at the Grammys, tours, marriages and so on.  She has always struck me as a completely driven individual and shows no signs of ever stopping.

So when a dark mood descended upon me and I struggled to find these words, when it seemed as though there was no positivity anywhere, I thought about those boots. I imagined they did fit. I just got on with it.


  1. I wanted those boots too. I still do.

  2. I didn't,I wanted a pair of steel toecap suede boots for work jf
