Tuesday, 21 April 2015

In Preparation

I used to get ready for things. I used to get things ready, for example “Joanne is your homework ready for tomorrow?” Mum used to get things ready for us Dad used to get his things ready, his scarf and gloves would be laid on the radiator ready.

The best sort of ready would be getting ready to go out. This would involve a friend, loud music, fags, excessive makeup, the trying on of several outfits, some posing and great hilarity.

Until recently preparation was something you did to food and woodwork. Then people started using phrases like “Fail to Prepare: Prepare to Fail.” Kids started preparing for exams, job applicants for interviews and I found myself in a situation where I had to prepare for lessons. I couldn't even pretend to prepare because my preparation had to be documented in order that I prepare for observation.
I did once try and work on this surface!
At what stage do you actually move on from preparing, planning, getting ready and do the thing? What about the artists muse? Does anyone wake up from a dream, rush to the pen and paper and just write or do we now flick the switch on, boot the computer up and wait while windows prepare the desktop?

Many times I have been caught with an idea. I have allowed it to mature and evolve during my working day; I've caught the bus home with a fully formed idea ready to be spilled onto the page only to have every day preparation get in the way.

Maybe I’m not a real creative. An artist would be oblivious to the pile of the dishes or some dog piddle in the hallway. A writer would understand that everyone in the house hold knows how to make toast and not worry about dinner. They would just do it.

This weekend I was determined to work on my crafting; on flutterjos. So much so that I prepared and Friday nights kitchen was immaculate. Unfortunately the Saturday morning kitchen not so, and I was a little delayed. Never the less I managed to spend most of the day pattern cutting, colour choosing and embroidering.  

I wanted to do more on Sunday, but I needed to prepare for the coming week. As I’m not the only member in the house hold I made a list of chores for all three of us and then set about getting them completed as quickly as possible. I’m not going to bore you with the woes of ironing, washing, hovering and floor cleaning,  but by eight O’clock Sunday evening when I finally sat down with my sewing paraphernalia I was physically shaking. It took a glass of wine before I was calm enough to thread a needle.

So from now on I am going to try and go with my creative side, I’m going to focus on doing the thing rather than preparing to do the thing. I just hope I’m prepared for the challenge.

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